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The baby said,Fuzzi Bunz has 10 tips of money saving

Cloth Diapering Show

Monday, June 23, 2008

10 Interesting Tips of money saving from Fuzz Bunz

Everyone knows that a baby's product can be expensive. And while you can't run from the financial responsibilities that come along with parenthood, you can look for ways to save money and cut costs.

Here are 10 suggestions from your friends at Fuzzi Bunz about how you can save money when baby makes three.

1. Commit to using reusable products, such as reusable diapers, reusable bibs and reusable cups. You will save a lot of money in the long run and do your part to make this world a better place.

2. Breastfeed if you can. You will save lots of money on expensive formula and you'll be doing the best thing for your baby and the environment (talk about eating locally!).

3. Borrow, borrow, borrow. Borrow as much baby stuff as you can, including a crib, sheets, stroller, clothes and breast pumps (be sure to purchase new attachments, etc.).

4. Look for furniture and accessories that double as something else. For example, your changing table can double as your dresser, and a high chair can convert into a booster seat when your baby is ready to sit at the family table.

5. Take advantage of your local library. Borrow books, music and videos for free and participate in free storytimes - a great way for you and your baby to meet new people and make life-long friends.

6. Ask your doctor for samples and coupons. Your doctor may have a large stash of formula, rash ointments and medicines, so be sure to ask and you will likely receive something.

7. Warm up to garage sales. Garage sales and online websites. Just be sure the items are in good shape and beware of items that may have been recalled.

8. Register for everything. Make sure your registry includes everything from your crib sheets and onesies

9. Trade with friends. Trade everything from different forum brand samples and discarded toys with other moms.

10. Shop online. Many deals on your favorite brands are available online so shop wisely and compare prices.

Also, do a Google or Yahoo search for a coupon code to your favorite store. You may find that the once expensive, top-of-the-line car seat is 20% less online and is now within your budget.

Related Item:
1. First-Year Baby Costs Calculator

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