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The baby said,Fuzzi Bunz has 10 tips of money saving

Cloth Diapering Show

Saturday, June 28, 2008

How to wear prefold diaper (YouTube)

What is All in One cloth diaper? (for working mother especially)

(26 month baby on All in One cloth diaper)

What is an all-in-one diaper (AIO)?

An all-in-one diaper is a diaper and cover built together so it's one piece. All-in-one ("aio") diapers do not require a cover, because the cover is sewn onto the diaper already, hence the name "all-in-one".
All-in-one diapers can be used full time for the easiest possible method of cloth diapering. While still a bit less expensive than disposable diapers, they are more expensive than separate diaper and cover systems. But the convenience of the all-in-one diapers can't be beat!

Even if you choose a separate diaper and cover system, it’s great to have at least a few all-in-ones on hand for times when you’d like the extra convenience of an all-in-one.

All-in-ones are the perfect diapering choice for those who are making the switch from disposables to cloth for the first time. They are so easy to use! But, because the waterproof layer connected to the diaper, it takes a beating at washtime and aios in larger sizes do not last as long as separate diaper and cover systems. But the convenience can't be beat.

We don't recommend aios for overnight or long-term diapering (long-term diapering means going a very long time between changes), unless you use a doubler or 2 and a cover over it.
(Exception: aios may be a good choice for overnight for a child who is transitioning to becoming night toilet trained, because of the ease of getting them on and off to use the toilet and the because of trimness of them, which is usually more acceptable and comfortable to day-trained children who are used to underwear, but need something still at night just in case.
AIOS are great for potty learning.)

Xtra Small 4 to 9 pounds (for brand new newborns or large preemies)
Small 10 to 19 pounds (compares to size 2 and 3 disposable)
Medium 19 to 30 pounds (compares to size 4 disposable)
Large 28 - 50 pounds (age 2 to age 5, quite a bit more rise than a medium, snap version has 2 rows of snaps)

All in One cloth diaper (see on the baby)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Cleaning Cloth Diaper (YouTube)

How to sew a cloth diaper (YouTube)

All-In-One (AIO) Diaper(YouTube)

A true all-in-one. The diaper and cover are built in together, "all-in-one piece".
No separate cover is needed. Unlike a pocket diaper, there is no need to stuff it, and nothing to strip. It is truly easy. Spouse and daycare friendly. It goes on and fits just like a disposable diaper. People who are used to disposable diapers and with unfamiliar cloth diapers will be comfortable using these.
100% cotton inside, non-allergenic. No polyester fleece inside. No microfiber

How to put on a prefold diaper(YouTube)

Intro to Cloth Diapering (YouTube )

How to change a cloth diaper (YouTube)

Monday, June 23, 2008

Pocket Diaper

Pocket Diapers can be stuffed with specialized inserts or used with a prefold diaper. They are generally quick to dry and gives your child a trim fit. A pocket diaper needs to be washed after every use but does not require a separate cover. These diapers are a customized solution for children who wet frequently

Diaper cover

You have quite a few options when it comes to choosing you child’s diaper cover. Cotton, fleece, wool and waterproof diaper covers provide great protection for a child on the go. And boring they are not—select stripes, ultra-soft cotton and bright primary colors.

Yet comfort is the goal with these diaper covers. They were designed to offer premium protection without discomfort due to harsh materials. All diaper covers prevent wetness from getting on your child's clothing.

While cotton diaper covers are a good go-to option during the day, at night parents may prefer using a breathable wool diaper cover. Babies with sensitive skin may be more comfortable in diaper covers made of wool or fleece.

Are cloth or disposable diapers best during travel?

Expert Answers

Laura Sutherland, family travel writer

When traveling for short distances or limited periods of time, some parents simply stick with the kind of diapers they use at home. For long travel days or extended trips, however, there's no question that disposable diapers are the most convenient choice.

Disposable diapers eliminate the need to cart dirty diapers around. They also save you from spending time finding — and using — laundry facilities. Of course, if you have access to a washing machine at your destination, you can use whichever kind of diapers you prefer.

Take special care in laundering dirty diapers away from home, though. If they're not properly washed, your baby could get a diaper rash. If you're traveling in developing countries or remote areas, whether you're using cloth or disposable, you'll probably have to carry the soiled diapers with you until you can dispose of or clean them properly. Although cloth diapers might seem like the more ecologically correct choice, depositing the waste water used to clean them can be a problem. Disposables do have some advantages over cloth: They hold more liquid so you won't have to change your baby's diaper as often and they weigh less.

Autumn Beck said, "Don't be afraid to use bleach"

There are times when a little bleach is necessary. When you buy used it isn't a bad idea to bleach the diapers. There have been extreme cases where a seller passed on a bad virus to an unsuspecting buyer.This ended horrible with the buyer's child becoming very sick.
This is an extremely rare event (I have only heard of it once inmy years of cloth diapering) but for me the thought is enough.

Bleach is also helpful when your diapers have major buildup. I have soft water where we live. Because of this, detergent gets trapped in the diaper fibers causing the diaper to stink, decrease absorbency and create rashes on the baby.When using bleach start the wash and add about ¼ cup to the cycle 5minutes after agitation has started.

I do it this was simply because I don't want to take the chance of bleach sitting directly on the diapers.I suggest doing an extra rinse cycle with very hot water after you use bleach.

10 Interesting Tips of money saving from Fuzz Bunz

Everyone knows that a baby's product can be expensive. And while you can't run from the financial responsibilities that come along with parenthood, you can look for ways to save money and cut costs.

Here are 10 suggestions from your friends at Fuzzi Bunz about how you can save money when baby makes three.

1. Commit to using reusable products, such as reusable diapers, reusable bibs and reusable cups. You will save a lot of money in the long run and do your part to make this world a better place.

2. Breastfeed if you can. You will save lots of money on expensive formula and you'll be doing the best thing for your baby and the environment (talk about eating locally!).

3. Borrow, borrow, borrow. Borrow as much baby stuff as you can, including a crib, sheets, stroller, clothes and breast pumps (be sure to purchase new attachments, etc.).

4. Look for furniture and accessories that double as something else. For example, your changing table can double as your dresser, and a high chair can convert into a booster seat when your baby is ready to sit at the family table.

5. Take advantage of your local library. Borrow books, music and videos for free and participate in free storytimes - a great way for you and your baby to meet new people and make life-long friends.

6. Ask your doctor for samples and coupons. Your doctor may have a large stash of formula, rash ointments and medicines, so be sure to ask and you will likely receive something.

7. Warm up to garage sales. Garage sales and online websites. Just be sure the items are in good shape and beware of items that may have been recalled.

8. Register for everything. Make sure your registry includes everything from your crib sheets and onesies

9. Trade with friends. Trade everything from different forum brand samples and discarded toys with other moms.

10. Shop online. Many deals on your favorite brands are available online so shop wisely and compare prices.

Also, do a Google or Yahoo search for a coupon code to your favorite store. You may find that the once expensive, top-of-the-line car seat is 20% less online and is now within your budget.

Related Item:
1. First-Year Baby Costs Calculator

Are you cloth diapering your baby?