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Cloth Diapering Show

Monday, June 16, 2008

Caring the Wool

Wool is a fabric made of fleece of sheep or lamb. It's water repelling properties and breathability are what make it popular for use as a diaper cover. Many choose wool because it is natural.
Take special care when washing and drying your wool products or they will dry out and become stiff. You may be discouraged from purchasing wool because of the extra care required but do not let that stop you from trying this wonderful fabric). It is worth the work to keep only fabrics close to your child's skin.

Steps when caring for your wool products:

1. once a week or when your wool covers become soiled, hand wash using 1 tablespoon of Eucalan Woolwash and warm water. Do not rinse. Eucalan® contains Eucalyptus which is a natural moth inhibitor and Lanolin which is a natural conditioner found in wool (Lanonlin is also known as wool fat).

2. once a month treat your wool diaper covers with Lanolin. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of lanolin in one cup of hot water. Add warm water to cool. Let your cover soak in this solution for 15 minutes. This treatment restores the water repelling properties to your cover

3. dry your wool covers by rolling it in a towel. Another option is to spin dry your wool product in the washing machine. Afterwards, hang your wool cover to dry completely. Avoid sun exposure since this may discolor your cover

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